
Cover of Journal 39 CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature (formerly, CHINOPERL Papers) is published by CHINOPERL, short for the Conference on Chinese Oral and Performing Literature. As its official publication, the journal was initially published in 1969 as a newsletter, CHINOPERL News. Evolving into a journal publication, it was renamed CHINOPERL Papers beginning with Number 6 (1976). In 2013, the Journal was renamed CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature. And in 2020, the society partnered with the University of Hawaii Press to publish the journal. During its first 15 years, the Journal appeared once a year, followed by two decades of appearing on the average of once every two years. Since 2013, the journal has been published twice a year.

CHINOPERL's journal is published in English. Among the prominent scholars who have published in this journal are Mark Bender, Cyril Birch, Vibeke Børdahl, Eugene Eoyang, Hans Frankel, Wilt L. Idema, David Johnson, Perry Link, Victor H. Mair, Anne McLaren, Rulan Chao Pian, David Rolston, Richard Strassberg, and Bell Yung. (See the contents of back volumes of CHINOPERL News / CHINOPERL Papers / CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature in Project Muse.)

Journal cover 1-4 The focus of CHINOPERL is on literature connected to oral performance, broadly defined as any form of verse or prose that has elements of oral transmission and performance, either formally on stage or informally as a means of everyday communication. Such "literature" includes widely-accepted genres such as the novel, short story, drama, and poetry, but may also include proverbs, folksongs, and other traditional forms of linguistic expression.

CHINOPERL welcomes inquiries about submitting articles within the scope of Chinese oral and performing literature for publication. CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature is a refereed journal which, beginning in 2013, is published twice per year. A style sheet isavailable.

Individual subscriptions are available to members of CHINOPERL as part of their annual membership. Annual Dues ($35 for individuals) includes subscription to two issues of CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature. Memberships and renewals are available online through the University of Hawai’i Press. Members are entitled to attend and present papers at the annual meeting for a registration fee of $50.00 for regular members ($30.00 for retirees and students), and $60.00 for non-members. For general membership inquiries, please contact Professor Elena Chiu, Secretary, via email: <>. For inquiries specifically on membership dues, please contact Professor Fan Pen Chen, Treasurer, via email: <>.

Institutional subscriptions.  For institutional subscriptions, please follow the instructions on the "CHINOPERL" page on the University of Hawai’i Press website.

The production of this journal is generously supported by Vassar College.

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   Professor Jing Shen
   Department of East Asian Studies
   Eckerd College
   St. Petersburg, Florida 33711

   Tel (office): (727) 864-7975